Sunday, July 24, 2011

Choosing Images For The Website

We had chosen some of the pictures to be included in the website. These are all about the accommodations, the water attractions, places to go's and  eatery.


Dr. Graphics said...

Missing on the blog is the list of responsibilities. Also, where are the individual pages? You have not created individual pages for each member to show their progress with the project. Also, there is no progress of the assignment 3 or I could not find it in this blog.

Amirah - Where is your progress? Your website design, etc. Remember, your assignment is not just doing a blog but to build a website. you need more details to explain your production process. You have given enough content. Now for the GUI, website layout and images to be used, references etc. Please update your progress. Assessment grade.:C-

Hawanie - Where is your progress? Your website design, etc. Remember, your assignment is not just doing a blog but to build a website. you need more details to explain your production process. You have given enough content. Now for the GUI, website layout and images to be used, references etc. Please update your progress. Assessment grade.:D

Dr. Graphics said...

Ashikin - Where is your progress? Your website design, etc. Remember, your assignment is not just doing a blog but to build a website. you need more details to explain your production process. You have given enough content. Now for the GUI, website layout and images to be used, references etc. Please update your progress.
Assessment grade - D

mikaharima said...

Dear Sir, our individual progress blogs could be found at the top right column of this blog. sorry i failed to noticed about the requirement for each of the member's pages. instead we did a blog each. we will update our blogs with our progress as required as soon as possible.

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